A New World Order: Quantum Red

Ellen Gunnarsson
8 min readApr 14, 2020

In honor of the great philosophers who once searched for truth during a time when thinking was punishable by death and as a gift to the remaining freethinkers in a world that tries to constantly convert originals into averages, Quantum Red was born.

Mission: Decommodyfying Human Minds

The New Manifesto

Quantum Red is an underground network of the world’s most extraordinary freethinkers and truthseekers. We employ the power of individual sensemaking within a collective intelligence to advance the state of conscious creatures. Simply put we have this undying urge to understand the world.

The History Behind the Illuminati

“Of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what the means of attaining it are.”

— Adam Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminati

On the night of May 1, 1776, five men secretly gathered in a forest outside Ingelstad to form a coalition of truth. A monumental evening, marking the inception of one of the most decadent and controversial societies in history, the Illuminati. What remains to be an unsolved mystery to most, and a clue to the few curious enough to keep searching for answers.

The 18th-century Bavarian professor, Adam Weishaupt, was the mastermind behind the secret order that cultivated some of the greatest philosophers to have ever walked this planet.

As a child, Weishaupt had a relentless appetite for learning and was particularly fascinated by the ideas fashioning the French Enlightenment. To quench his thirst for knowledge and satiate his hunger for freedom, he dedicated his life to truth. A pursuit that cultivated a long lineage of noble thinkers, who refused to abide by the nature of consensus.

Radically, he converted to reason, during a time when Catholicism ruled. Emphasizing that he was not against religion itself, but rather how it was enforced. As his frustration over the European state grew, so did his desire to master the game of governance. Convinced that truth was the cure to human suffering, he ventured out to create his own esoteric order. The raison d’être was to spread true knowledge or “illumination”.

Membership was originally granted to Weishaupt’s closest pupils, but eventually, the exclusive circle widened to include famous politicians, writers, actors, noblemen, and lawyers. Once, initiated into the order, they became part of a family united not by blood, but by thought.

Now, 243 years later, we are witnessing the crumbling of the Corinthian Capital, no longer bolstered by the iconic columns once envisioned to stand the test of time. The societal architecture that has kept us afloat for decades is deteriorating before the very eyes that synthesized sand into stone. The blueprints of society are not lost but rather destroyed. A new order is no longer a choice, but a necessity.

The Architects of a New World Order

Today marks the genesis of a new collective consciousness, a rebirth into something that was originally nothing. An embryonic renaissance, embroidered by the ones who believe they can indeed change the world.

We are summoning the next generations greatest architects, in a labor of love, to not just recreate the past, but completely obliterate it. We must come together to rebuild a home on this planet. A renditioning that insulates against fear and proliferates discovery, where form naturally follows function. To rewrite history and redefine the new and true meaning of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Eventually, chaos will atomize into clarity.

If you have been called a deviator, a troublemaker, a dreamer, a rebel, unrealistic, unqualified and different. It is your time to illuminate the world again, to ask the questions that no one else dares to ask, to seek the truth that no one else believes exists, in order to create what no one else has ever created.

When the world is at war, we will keep learning.

The Membership

“Should you seek might, power, false honor, excess — seek that we would work for you to provide your temporal advantages — we will bring you as close to the throne as you wish, and then turn you over to the consequences of your folly, but our inner sanctuary remains closed to such. But should you want to learn wisdom — want to learn to make mankind more clever, better, free and happy — then be thrice welcomed by us.”

— Adam Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminati

This is NOT an application, its an invitation. In fact, it probably defies every existing rule of HR. Quantum Red does not ask you to soften truth, beneath a pillow of politeness, unless politeness is who you in fact are. We don’t believe changing the world, is a consequence of accumulating internships, getting good grades, or having exceptional organizational skills. We actually are confused about what that even means in the context of advancing the human race. Instead, we have this wild idea, that you should actually be yourself, that is truth, and truth always wins.

We define being “yourself” as a deviation. By being ourselves, we will instinctively deviate, because “a normal person” does not exist. Everyone is naturally an outlier and unnaturally a conformist. Statistically, there is always a mean, and “average people” are usually the ones playing the imitation game. As soon as we embrace our true nature, we can eradicate the misery of striving against ourselves to measure our own worth through comparison, only to perform worse than our potential, because we are trying to be something we inherently are not. Proving our worth to the ones who follow the broken rules, seems counterintuitive. It’s all very complex for being so simple.

We are not trying to build pyramids on top of clouds, we are engineering aqueducts on the ground. We will not ask you to dig yourself deeper into a lie, by telling a noir about a time when you experienced extreme adversity or demonstrated exceptional leadership. We won’t ask you to squeeze into tweed slacks if that is not your vibe. We will not ask for a resume and we will definitely not ask for your GPA. A number does not define you, and much less a fantasy.

In fact, nothing defines you, your identity is not real, its constructed by you. We are trying to move away from confining you to the likening of us because we don’t know the answers. Therefore, catering to an impression would be delusional when you are the sensemaker, and a good one at that.

There is no one like you, which is pretty amazing in itself, so don’t sugar-coat, the world really doesn’t need the extra calories.

We have eyes out there looking for deviators. You will be contacted if we find you until then fill out our form to reach our awareness.

The Commitment: Deciphering Truth

Why do we complicate knowledge, only to spend our entire lives deciphering the secrets to our own survival? Why do we build to reach the top? Why do we assume heaven is up and hell down? What would happen if we reverse the axis of our compass and change direction?

Throughout history many greats have been regarded as scribes of nature, merely preservers of the knowledge nature gift them. They are the chosen representatives of truth. What makes them brilliant is their ability to scale knowledge through time and space. The medium on which they choose to spread truth is where creativity prevails. They are remembered because the lessons they personally learned are too important to forget.

We built pyramids ascending into heaven. Ironically, we ended up constructing the staircase to our own funeral. We are now at the pinnacle, but trying to balance on a vertex is unsustainable, if not impossible. We spent so much time striving upwards, that we forgot to look down. The flat surface that once grounded us is far away now, and the only way to find our way back is to demolish the foundation below us. The only direction up is now down.

We must descend the steps of history to dust off the sand covering the messages scribes once engraved in stone. The translation of the past is our only parachute and you, the scribes of the future our only hope.

The Mission: Decommodyfing Human Minds

Embedded deep into the neural networks of oblivion, is a little tale that we have told ourselves over and over again, enough to make it a possibility, but as we grow up others start telling us a story, a story of being “realistic”, and if we are not careful that story starts fabricating our own. Realists are not rationalists, they are too scared to face the truth which rationalist seek.

If you want to build a life, not a career. If you want to pursue your dreams, not the dreams of someone else. If you want to learn, not for grades, but for the sake of learning. If you want long-term value creation, not short term profit maximization. If you want to create, not recreate. If you want to be the 1% that influences the present and future, not the 99% that follows the rules. If you want to surround yourself with people that change the world.

We will give you the key to unlock your mind, escape the prison and access the story that gave you life. All we ask of you is to be brave enough to turn the key.

Welcome to Quantum Red, the next generation of freethinkers!

Out of frustration over the fact that we are moving further away from the truth, and educating people to believe in consensus and competition, breeding grade and resume obsessed students, in constant pursuit of secondary gain, bound for conventional careers, I founded Quantum Red. I promised myself to never return, to a place where I was starving my mind, trying to feed my body. I could no longer stand to wake up another day knowing that I did nothing to change it. No one else has done it, so I had to.



Ellen Gunnarsson

Ranked #7 Future Leader of Sweden. Originally from Stockholm, but raised abroad in San Diego, San Francisco, & Barcelona, world citizen and rebel.